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Operation Recorder

​Group work by: Yuchen Cao/Ray Zheng/Shiqi Zhang/Yuewan Liu

In order to engage with the potential value of not knowing things, without revealing the secret itself, we conducted an interview with an undercover policeman (the identity of the undercover policeman is a secret). Based on the information gathered in the interview, we focused on the pockets (interviewee mentioned in the interview that they would carry some items in their pockets when performing tasks). Therefore, we conducted research on the pocket. We believe that the pocket is a physical recording device carried by the individual and placed on the wearer for convenience and investigation of daily operations and events. It shows us who we are, our pace of life, our movements, and how we communicate. We used pockets to design a new method of recording, six handmade pockets that tell the stories behind the undercover actions of the interviewees. His actions are presented through a text video with audio recording of his movements and how he interacts with his pocket, which also responds the life experiences and memories of the interviewee.

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Research & Development

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